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ALT PTO Committees

2024-2025 School Year

WE ALWAYS NEED VOLUNTEERS! If you are interested in volunteering for any of these committees, please reach out to the Board Executive Contact listed for the committee below.

Committees Listed in Alphabetical Order:


September - June

source and coordinate assemblies for the student body in areas such as music, arts, and educational programs. In order to bring assemblies to ALT, the Executive Board works in conjunction with the ALT Administration and funds are often provided by the Warren Township School District.

Committee Chair:

Robyn Feldblum, Susan Vieira

Executive Contact:

Melissa Morano

Author's Day


This committee is funded by the district, approved by the principal, and works with Mrs. Jackson, the librarian, to develop author’s day. Mrs. Jackson has planned the authors five years out so that task is to bring her vision to life to plan and organize a school-wide program centering on a live author's presentation to the students.

Committee Chair:

Alicia Drozd

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo


September - June

This Committee is responsible for planting seasonal flowers and decorations at the school.

Committee Chair:

Crystal Bringuier, Samantha Nassif

Executive Contact:

Lindsey D'Ecclessis

Birthday / Display Bulletin Boards

September - June

This is a once a month commitment. The Display Board Committee coordinates taking pictures of students for their birthday month and creating a birthday display. They also decorate various PTO sponsored display cases and boards throughout the school.

Committee Chair:

Jade DaGraca, Erica Valentini 

Executive Contact:

Lindsey D'Ecclessis

Book Fair

September & February

The Book Fair is a great source of revenue for the PTO and helps raise money for the library to purchase books and supplies. This committee plans and coordinates the fairs with Scholastic once in Fall (around Back to School Night/September) and again in Spring (March timeframe) and are required to staff and attend the book fair events.

Committee Chair:

Danielle Graziano

Executive Contact:

Helena Verdun

Chick Hatching

April & May

Work with the 1st grade teachers to coordinate the delivery of chicken eggs, incubators, and other materials. They will also present a slideshow to the first-grade students.

Committee Chair:

Helena Verdun

Executive Contact:

Helena Verdun

Community Outreach / Hope for the Holidays


Commitment depends on the charities we support and events. The Community Outreach Committee is perfect for those who love to give back to our local/State community. The chair works with the Executive Board to decide what charity we will support. The committee brings in volunteer opportunities to our school for child engagement, and promotion of a life of selflessness and giving back to those in need. (Examples: Hope for the Holidays, Clothing Drive, Food Bank, Toy Drive)

Committee Chair:

Natalie White

Executive Contact:

Melissa Morano



(Corresponds with 1st/2nd grade and 4th/5th grade music show) This Decorating Committee is responsible for coordinating with the music teacher to decorate to her theme for each show.

Committee Chair:

Jade DaGraca

Executive Contact:

Lindsey D'Ecclessis

Family Fun

Fall & Spring

This Committee is responsible for planning family fun nights such as: a Bingo night, a Movie night, a School Dance and/or a Brain Show type of event at the school in the evening for the entire family to enjoy & attend. They will contact the vendors, take care of necessary planning and staff the event. They are also involved with district wide family events such as a day at Meadowbrook Day Camp.

Committee Chair:


Executive Contact:

Kathleen Anderson

Fall Family Portrait Fundraiser


This Fundraising Committee will work with a photographer and arrange a location and schedule for Fall family portraits. Committee will assist in running the event day of, helping to set up & ensuring the day goes smoothly.

Committee Chair:

Ainsley Kuppler, Patricia Oliviera

Executive Contact:

Lindsey D'Ecclessis

Field Day


Planning behind the scenes occurs several months in advance. This committee works with the physical education teachers to select games, purchase supplies, source equipment, hire a DJ, purchase snacks, assist with set - up and decorations, and coordinate volunteers. Committee members will volunteer on Field Day as needed but since this event takes a lot of volunteers a school-wide field day volunteer sign-up list goes out prior to the event to add additional volunteers for the day of the event.

Committee Chair:

Dana Curtis, Robyn Feldblum, Danielle Graziano

Executive Contact:

Melissa Morano

5th Grade Event


Work with all elementary schools to create a fun event for all graduating 5th graders of Warren district wide. Takes place in June with several months planning prior. The 5th Grade Event committee is only open to parents of 5th graders.

Committee Chair:

Dana Curtis, Stefanie Jurista

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo

First Day Kits

June, September

Organize creating, ordering, and distribution of school kits. Orders are due June the prior school year. Kits arrive & get distributed the week prior to the start of the school year. The 1st Day School Supplies Kit Committee obtains school supply requirements from teachers and submits the list to the vendor. The Committee then helps get the order form to the families and follows up with any other needs.

Committee Chair:

Melissa Morano

Executive Contact:

Melissa Morano

Holiday Boutique


This Fundraising Committee chooses the vendor, staffs the event, decorates the room and coordinates with the volunteers to bring a wonderful Holiday shopping experience to the students. It's part of the season of gifting at ALT.

Committee Chair:

Alexis Brotspies, Stacey Collman,

Executive Contact:

Helena Verdun

International Day


Create an amazing international hands-on experience for all ALT students to learn and discover a new country. The committee works together on the stations for each learning experience, staffs the event and coordinates all creative aspects of the day. This large scale event takes many volunteers and months of planning. Planning meetings happen in person about 4-5 times during the year in the evening. The International Day Committee Chairs coordinate the daylong event, supervise volunteers, manage logistics, and budget for the event. The committee brings the day to life by taking on a specific role such as staffing the arts and crafts stand, selecting the food to be served, the song and dance to be celebrated, the cultural displays we want to exhibit and so much more. This is an amazing day for our children to experience.

Committee Chair:

Demi Blick, Sandra Natale

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo, Helena Verdun

Kindergarten Orientation

May, August

This Orientation Committee is responsible for welcoming in the new Kindergarten class. They will source give aways, create a folder of important information and supply snacks.

Committee Chair:

Susan Vieira

Executive Contact:

Jess Loux, Melissa Morano

Mom's Night Out


The MNO Committee selects the venue and plans Mom’s Night Out. The committee members advertise, coordinate sales, decorate and staff the event. Always a fun night out with our ALT community!

Committee Chair:

Stephanie Greenberg, Lauren Castagna

Executive Contact:

Jess Loux

Patriot's Night


Responsible for working with the Warren Schools PTO for a Family Day at Patriots Stadium. They will coordinate with the hosting school to obtain enough tickets for ALT families and distribute those tickets.

Committee Chair:

Adi Addvensky, Robyn Feldblum

Executive Contact:

Tanya Olivari

Science Fair


The Science Fair Committee creates and distributes flyers, tracks participants, organizes entries, distributes science boards, orders and distributes ribbons/keychains, other give aways and organizes all materials needed for the day.

Committee Chair:

Alexis Brotspies, Parita Patel

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo

Spirit Wear

September - June

Twice per year depending on the need. The Spirit Wear Committee contacts the vendor, orders, sells and distributes school branded clothing. Committee also sets up tables to sell at various school events throughout the year.

Committee Chair:

Lauren Sullivan

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo

Spring Fling


Back by popular demand! This committee is responsible for planning a parent dance in the spring as a fundraiser for the PTO. The chairs will be responsible for finding a venue, selecting a menu, hiring a DJ, finding sponsors & organizing baskets/raffles. The committee will assist the chairs in all functions necessary leading up to the event as well as evening of, making sure the event runs smoothly and is oh so fun!

Committee Chair:

Kathleen Anderson, Jess Loux

Executive Contact:

Kathleen Anderson

Staff Appreciation Week


Typically first week in May, planning takes a few weeks prior behind the scenes. The committee coordinates a week of events/food for the staff during ‘National Teachers Appreciation Week’. The committee selects a theme, organizes volunteers, secures food vendors, decorates, solicits donations and assembles gift baskets.

Committee Chair:

Erica Valentini

Executive Contact:

Kathleen Anderson

Staff Welcome Back Breakfast

Organize luncheon for ALT staff on their first day back to school.

Committee Chair:

Kathleen Anderson, Melissa Morano

Executive Contact:

Michele Araujo, Helena Verdun

Staff Holiday Brunch


Organize donated food items to create a wonderful Holiday Brunch for the staff of ALT. This could also include give away baskets.

Committee Chair:

Jennifer Hoffman

Executive Contact:

Kathleen Andersen

Trunk or Treat


Organize a night of Halloween fun on the Friday prior to Halloween for all ALT students. This includes a DJ, photo booth, coordinating volunteers to decorate a trunk and/or donate candy, any coordinating any events that coincide with the evening. The Trunk or Treat Committee plans and coordinates food, entertainment and activities, schedules volunteers and designates and oversees all volunteers (e.g. decorations, food, entertainment, set-up/clean-up).

Committee Chair:

Robyn Feldblum

Executive Contact:

Tanya Olivari

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